Tax Rates

Managing Taxes

ChurchesPayChurches does not force, manage, or collect taxes on behalf of any vendor / seller / or customer. You are responsible for finding out your correct tax laws and rates and applying them accordingly. We can not offer you any suggestions or advice as tax laws vary by location, amounts sold, etc. Your use of our system constitutes your agreement and full release of our liability as it relates to taxes in any way.

To create your tax rates, you'll want to follow the steps below. 

  1. Sign into your account.
  2. First, you'll want to create your geographical zones that taxes should be applied to. Using the menu on the right, click tax manager > Geo Zones. 
    1. Click the + icon in the upper right to create a new Geo Zone.
    2. Enter the Geo Zone name.
    3. Enter the Geo Zone description.
    4. Click the + icon in the gray area below the description to setup Countries and Zones as it pertains to your tax rates. If you do not want to charge tax to a particular zone, just do not create the zone. For example, if you want to charge 9% in the USA for AL, but only 6% for GA and 0% for TN, then you'd select USA > AL and USA > GA and done. Do not create anything for TN.
  3. Once your Geo Zones are created, you need to create your tax rates. Using the menu on the right, click Tax Manager > Tax Rate. 
    1. Click the + icon in the upper right hand corner to begin adding a new tax rate.
    2. Enter the Tax Name.
    3. Enter the Tax Rate. 
    4. Enter the Type (Fixed $ amount or %). This is of the total value of the seller's products in the cart at checkout.
    5. Select the Customer Group > Default if its not already checked for you. 
    6. Select the Geo Zone this tax rate applies to. 
    7. Click the Save icon in the upper right hand corner to save the tax rate.
  4. Lastly, you'll want to create your Tax Classes. These are the 'rules' for your taxes should you want to use them. Using the menu on the right, click Tax Manager > Tax Class. 
    1. Click the + icon in the upper right hand corner to begin adding a new tax class.
    2. Enter the Tax Class Title.
    3. Enter the Description.
    4. Click the + icon in the gray area below the description to setup your rules. 
      1. Select the Tax Rate. 
      2. Set the Based on Rule.
      3. Enter the priority of the rule (sorting based on if you have multiple rules).
    5. Click the Save icon in the upper right hand corner to save the tax class.
  5. All Done. You've setup your tax rates and rules!

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